
Golden Anniversary DVD

As you may know, Anne and Larry Gettings celebrate their golden wedding anniversary this year. That's right: my parents married each other 50 years ago, on August 31, 1963. For their 25th wedding anniversary, we made a VHS video which has been dig ...[Read More]
Published: Jun-24-13 | 0 Comments | 0 Links to this post


Vacationing in Rincon Puerto Rico

Well, today is the last day in Rincon, but it was a nice relaxing 18 days in the high 80's. When I returned from my bike ride, Karen announced that the internet said it is 5 degrees below 0 at home. That is a temperature differential of around 90 ...[Read More]
Published: Jan-17-09 | 2 Comments | 0 Links to this post


Fun in an Elevator

Betsy helped me carry the bags, gifts and the baby hospital gear to the car while convalescing Karen stayed with Jacob in the post-partum room. When we got onto the elevator at the fifth floor, a man confirmed that we wanted the lobby. A woman got ...[Read More]
Published: Oct-01-08 | 0 Comments | 0 Links to this post


Notes from and about Mt Auburn Hospital

If Jacob ever has a sibling, I’m sure we’ll find these notes useful.  Other new parents may also find some gems here. 1.       GeneralMt Auburn Hospital in Cambridge, MA was a superb place to experience labor, delivery and the first few days of ...[Read More]
Published: Sep-30-08 | 3 Comments | 0 Links to this post


It's a boy! - Jacob Gettings

Jacob was born at 7:49 am this morning. He is 6 pounds, 10 ounces and 20 and ¾" long. Mommy and baby are doing great here in the recovery room. When we move to the post-partum room, we'll post some pictures. ...[Read More]
Published: Sep-26-08 | 4 Comments | 0 Links to this post


Waiting for Baby G

After a mostly sleepless night for Karen, we're at Mt Auburn Hospital now for the second time in three days. She is dozing between contractions which are getting closer together. The room is filled with the sound of the baby's heartbeat, crankin ...[Read More]
Published: Sep-25-08 | 1 Comment | 0 Links to this post


Nursery Move Done

Karen and I would like to again thank Josh, Hank, Dan and Eric who helped move the queen-sized futon (again), the 32" CRT TV (again – Hank swears the next move will be to a dumpster), three book shelves, a desk, tables and many boxes and comput ...[Read More]
Published: Jul-18-08 | 1 Comment | 0 Links to this post


We are Live!

We are live! I'm still posting this article to development site as I want to tweak a few things locally before the final cut to the internet server. This means that this won't be on the internet until the next time the site is refreshed. Karen h ...[Read More]
Published: Jul-17-08 | 2 Comments | 0 Links to this post


Nursery Move, “The Expectant Father”

This morning we set a tentative date for moving the office out of what will be the nursery and into what is now the basement guest room: 7/19. We've been reading lots of books. One that I like is Armin Brott's "The Expectant Father" wh ...[Read More]
Published: Jul-08-08 | 0 Comments | 0 Links to this post


What's this all about?

Well, we don't know yet.  My current plan is to use this blog for announcements, thoughts, observations etc.  It still is on a development server which means that no one will get to see this until it makes it out into the "cloud".   Ka ...[Read More]
Published: Jul-07-08 | 2 Comments | 0 Links to this post