
Nursery Move Done

Karen and I would like to again thank Josh, Hank, Dan and Eric who helped move the queen-sized futon (again), the 32" CRT TV (again – Hank swears the next move will be to a dumpster), three book shelves, a desk, tables and many boxes and comput ...[Read More]
Published: Jul-18-08 | 1 Comment | 0 Links to this post


We are Live!

We are live! I'm still posting this article to development site as I want to tweak a few things locally before the final cut to the internet server. This means that this won't be on the internet until the next time the site is refreshed. Karen h ...[Read More]
Published: Jul-17-08 | 2 Comments | 0 Links to this post


Nursery Move, “The Expectant Father”

This morning we set a tentative date for moving the office out of what will be the nursery and into what is now the basement guest room: 7/19. We've been reading lots of books. One that I like is Armin Brott's "The Expectant Father" wh ...[Read More]
Published: Jul-08-08 | 0 Comments | 0 Links to this post


What's this all about?

Well, we don't know yet.  My current plan is to use this blog for announcements, thoughts, observations etc.  It still is on a development server which means that no one will get to see this until it makes it out into the "cloud".   Ka ...[Read More]
Published: Jul-07-08 | 2 Comments | 0 Links to this post