Nursery Move Done 


Karen and I would like to again thank Josh, Hank, Dan and Eric who helped move the queen-sized futon (again), the 32" CRT TV (again – Hank swears the next move will be to a dumpster), three book shelves, a desk, tables and many boxes and computer equipment up and down two flights of windy stairs on a hot July day. There are some pix in the "Nesting" photo album. Their reward? Grilled marinated steak tips, marinated chicken, burgers and other munchies including the dessert trifecta: gooey brownies, Sullivan Farm's ice cream and Karen's sensational, sating home-made flan.

Due to scheduling constraints, we did the nursery move yesterday (a Thursday) evening instead of over the weekend. I'm in the basement now, and the nursery is ready for the painters who will be here later today to "mud" the holes and tomorrow to paint.

After painting, Doctora Betsy (soon to be Titi (Aunt) Betsy) arrives in a week from Puerto Rico to help us pick out some of the bigger nursery items. Hank has already penciled us into his calendar for helping with the delivery of the furniture. He already helped out with getting the new armoire that we found on Craig's list. CL was a superb resource when we first moved in, and is again helping us find new owners for stuff we no longer need as well as getting some good deals on stuff we do need. Despite CL, the attic is filling up. Good thing it's spacious.

Posted by WSS01\andyg on 18-Jul-08
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